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"Nick Moreno - please accept my thanks and appreciation for being kind and helpful to an old lady, you have restored by faith in humanity that there are still good people in this world and you are one of them!"

80 years young
Compliment for changing a tire

Oxford The Willows 019 (2)

Oxford Senior Living

June 12, 2014

Project Name: Oxford Senior Living
Project Details:
At the Oxford Independent Living Facility (ILF) project the electrical systems were installed from the ground up. The scopes of work included a generator system, complete fire alarm system, data communicatons, card access, area sound system, and all lighting power systems.

Date Completed: June 2014
Project Size: 80,000 square feet
Client: Colson & Colson General Contractors, Inc.
Owner: Hawthorn Retirement Group
Delivery Method: GC

Oxford The Willows 019 (5)

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