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"Nick Moreno - please accept my thanks and appreciation for being kind and helpful to an old lady, you have restored by faith in humanity that there are still good people in this world and you are one of them!"

80 years young
Compliment for changing a tire

Intec forms new partnership with CEP in Ocala Florida

July 22, 2016

The entire InTec team is proud to partner with Ocala/Marion County Chamber and Economic Partnership! We look forward to utilizing their ongoing education, networking and business building services.

About CEP

The Ocala/Marion County Chamber & Economic Partnership (CEP) was formed to create a one-stop approach to business retention, attraction and creation efforts. Moving Forward is our charge and it reflects our desire to be a unified voice and catalyst for the business community. By working together with our partners and community investors, we will continue to improve our quality of life and build a strong base for economic development in Marion County.

The CEP recognizes and embraces its mission as the Chamber & Economic Partnership for all of Marion County. As a result, five strategic program areas will set the aggressive and forward-thinking direction for CEP. These program areas will be intentional in ensuring that initiatives and activities will be held throughout the county; will be reflective of the needs of businesses throughout the county; and, will benefit businesses throughout the county.
Learn more at: www.ocalacep.com

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