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Intec NOW Hiring HVAC professionals

July 12, 2016

In the past few years, Intec has seen employment growth due to their expansion of services and geographic footprint throughout the state of Florida, Georgia, and Alabama.

“As a mechanical contractor working on several new construction and renovation projects throughout Florida and the southeast states, we have steadily added new employees to our employee base.” says Intec Executive, Rob Boyer

“There is an incredible amount of skill out there being underutilized and we are happy to have such talent on board with us.”

Currently Intec is hiring for the following positions: All skill levels for Refrigeration Technicians, Chiller Technicians, Residential HVAC Technicians and Commercial HVAC Technicians.

Areas Include: Ocala, Fl., Tallahassee, Fl., Bainbridge, Ga and Thomasville, Ga.

Submit your resume to HR@InTec360.com

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